Understanding ManyToOne and OneToMany in Nest.jsLet’s create a very basic table of artists in the music industry, where each row represents a single artist.Mar 30, 2024Mar 30, 2024
Neural Networks From Scratch (NNFS) Chapter 9: BackpropagationI am writing this as supplementary material for the book Neural Networks From Scratch, as I’ve noticed that many people have a hard time…Dec 13, 20214Dec 13, 20214
The Relationship With The Self: A Theory Of Being In America’s Individualist SocietyThank you to all the people who have helped me build on this idea since I stumbled upon it a couple years ago.Jul 17, 2020Jul 17, 2020
Published inThe StartupFacebook’s OAuth Login CORRECTED DocumentationFacebook’s current documentation is out of date…May 3, 2020May 3, 2020
Published inThe StartupHow To Publish An ES6 Module To NPMDon’t be afraid of babel like I was…Apr 29, 20203Apr 29, 20203
Published inBetter ProgrammingSwift 5’s Lazy Keyword ExplainedHow to run your classes’ code when you’re ready for itApr 27, 2020Apr 27, 2020
Published inBetter ProgrammingWhat Is the @escaping Keyword in Swift 5?New and improved completion handlersApr 27, 20202Apr 27, 20202
Published inBetter Programming“this” Is Our Future3 reasons why JavaScript will be the most popular programming language in 2030Nov 2, 20191Nov 2, 20191
Published inBetter ProgrammingHow To Build a Hello-World CRON-Job With Firebase in 2019Updated for changes made inSep 19, 20191Sep 19, 20191
Published inThe Startup3 Simple Questions to Immediately Become More Self-AwareThere is a clear rise of consciousness in 2019, and everyone seems to want to know, “what exactly does it mean to be self-aware?”Aug 22, 2019Aug 22, 2019